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Znaleziono podstron zawierających "variety of apples"
2014-05-07 10:18:22
Poland: Apple stocks down by a third in March
On April 1, apple stocks totaled 495,000 tons, an increase of 25% compared with the same period of the previous year, when they stood at 680,000 tons. Idared apples account for the largest share
2014-04-30 09:30:46
Russian producers won't raise apple prices until end of season
In view of that, growers do not plan to revise apple prices to sell their stocks as soon as possible as the quality of apples is sharply decreasing now. For the present, apple prices in Russia
2014-04-15 15:50:52
Rising export prices of apples
Since the beginning of April number of exported fruits is getting higher. Increasing demand caused price rise. They are not as high as producers could expect but much higher than in March. As an
2014-04-11 10:00:00
Russian importers raise imports of Polish apples
Growers say of higher sales rates of Idared variety, while a week ago the demand for those apples was moderate. Polish importers also actively purchase Jonagold, Gloster, Ligol, Golden Delicious,
2014-03-31 10:02:43
Poland: Golden Delicious stocks stable
According to WAPA data, Polish Golden Delicious stocks totaled 110,000 tons on February 1, 2014, about a third of total production of those apples in Poland in 2013. We would remind you that
2014-03-14 09:59:46
Cheaper Gala apples
Variety Idared is cheaper at 0.30 PLN per kg. Prices of other red varieties of apples dropped at 0.30 - 0.40 PLN per kg and Goled Delicious cost 0.40 PLN per kg less. Downward tendency concerns
2013-11-22 11:09:53
Lots of apples in Bronisze
Poor interest in apples influences prices which have been decreasing during last weeks. There is also different interest in various varieties. Very popular are Golden Delicious and Gala varieties
2013-04-18 15:48:46
Varieties of Apples and cooking?
We will try to decsribe for you most popular varieties in Poland. www.fresh-market.pl presents: Application Varieties of Apples in a new version. It contains high quality photos of most
2013-03-26 13:03:45
Catalogue of Varieties now is available for purchase in PDF format!
Do you want to know what apples are good to bake an apple pie, and which are the best suited for juice? Or maybe you are interested in ways to harvest date and variety store? If so, Apple
2013-03-20 15:30:04
Winter does not give up on Bronisze
The current situation in the apple export trade forces them to almost heroic movements and selling apples on the stock exchange. Unfortunately, the weather also affects the number of
2013-02-07 15:57:08
Fruit Logistica 2013 in Berlin
2,543 exhibitors from 78 countries present entire value chain of fresh produce trade – Some 55,000 trade visitors from 120 countries come to Berlin – FRUIT LOGISTICA Innovation
2012-12-13 10:06:30
Idared is not expected in Russia
Growers who e decided to hold Idared apples on the tree until November, didn't expect that it will come in October frosts up to - 12 ° C. First deliveries of Russian Idared
2012-12-10 08:01:14
Conference variety expensive in Zjazdowa
The demand for each variety is different at the same time. There is great interest in Oberlandzka and Rubin. For most varieties, however, demand is average . Prices from a few weeks remain
2012-05-21 14:47:02
Interest in apples of red varieties
The supply of red apples is low and not enough to satisfy growing demand. As exporters say it is difficult to buy big volume of apples as Jonagored, Champion or Gloster. They have to buy
2012-05-10 09:56:00
Purchase prices of apples near Błędów (mazowieckie province)
Apples of variety Idared : Size 70+ 1.30 – 1.35 PLN/ kg (sorted) Apples of red varieties: Size 70+ - 1.30 PLN/kg (sorted) Size 80+ - 1.40 PLN/kg (sorted) Apples of
2012-05-04 09:34:14
Season for Gala finishes
If someone is still remaining small amount, trade o this apple is making individually, and the prices are negotiable, depending on the quality and condition of the
2012-04-23 15:29:53
Will Golden Delicious be more expensive?
Some varieties went up in prices even at 0.30 PLN/ kg. The demand also increased and it caused the improvement of moods among orchardist’s who still have some apples in
2012-04-10 10:27:27
Increasing demand for Idared
Higher interest in apples has influenced prices which rose at about 0.10 PLN. However situation on the market isn’t clear and not every company decides to increase prices.  The
2012-03-21 08:00:00
Problems with Gala
Last week wasn’t good for producers. Companies buying Gala for export have decreased purchase prices at 0.20 PLN / kg. Some of them offer even lower price and buy Gala at price 1.70 PLN/
2012-03-08 08:00:00
For peeling, as a mousse or juice
Orchardists who still have a lot of fruits probably will be forced to sell as industrial apples. Only Idared is still in quite good quality. The most profitable is selling industrial apples
2012-02-28 08:49:38
Prices of apples – what next?
There are more and more arguments speak for stabilization of prices of apples for export. If the price will be increasing it may lead to paradoxical situation. Exporters will be purchasing
2012-02-08 08:00:00
Purchase price of apples near Ryki
               Apples of red varieties Size 70+ - 1.20 PLN/ kg – cold storage (sorted) Size 70+ - 1.30 PLN/
2012-02-07 08:00:00
Current prices of imported apples and pears
Polish people more often buy bananas and citrus fruits instead of apples. However importers still offer apples. Currently, popular “green apples” of variety Granny Smith imported
2012-01-25 12:06:11
High demand for Idared
One can observe  particularly high demand for variety Idared which is being bought by almost every company that exports to the East. Growth in  demand for Idared influenced the
2012-01-04 11:37:20
Bigger demand for Royal Gala
Growth in demand for Royal Gala influenced the prices, which increased significantly. Producer price of Royal Gala size 70 + reached 2.00 PLN (0.45 euro)/kg.  However some producers do not